Tuesday, May 16, 2006

good news!!! my ipod is fixed!!! apparently everyone who said that i just needed to google "ipod" and "frozen" and would be able to figure out a fix was CORRECT! you are all some smart people. also, my phone broke yesterday and then fixed itself. it was a day of ups and downs. and i had ice cream for lunch, so it was overall a good day.

in high school, i used to lie in bed and think through the next day. i would rate all my classes good, bad or neutral and then add up the day's score. things were so much more discrete back then. i think that's the problem with adult life - it's too hit or miss. wouldn't it be great if we could say "ugh, i have my fundraising job for an hour tomorrow morning, but then i have two optas in a row!" haha, opta. optional time activity.

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