Wednesday, May 31, 2006

ah, memorial day weekend, a time for barbecues, beach days and picnics. none for me though. instead i had a graduation and a mofo party. graduation was less than thrilling but mofo made up for that. the theme: black and white masquerade ball. i did a little variation on the theme with black and pink. aren't we cute?

we drank our requisite table-full of red bull vodkas:
met some priests:

danced like fiends:

and ate some fries!

all in all, a very successful mofo. and nobody cried!

see you at the 4th of july!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Mmm. (em em em.) I just had the most delicious sandwich ever. It was a panini from Grey Dog with apples, maple bacon, and smoked gouda. It was so delicious I thought my brain might melt. And then I had two delicous cookies. Because it's Friday and I'm sleepy, I need to eat a lot. Yuppers.
Gothamist reported that there could be a tornado cruising around Manhattan. This truly is the apocolypse. Well, I'll just sit here stuffing envelopes till the roof falls on my head.

Actually, that's not true, I'm going to head out into the rain/thunder/tornado/hailstorm because I am desperately in need of some CHEESE!!!! After a long night of drinking last night and no dinner, my belly woke up crying for a hangover breakfast of grease and cheese. Unfortunately I had to go to work so I briefly satiated myself with a rice cake and peanut butter on the walk over. But now in 7 minutes I am going to brave the weather to get my fix.

I feel like it's been a long time since I've had a big night out and followed it up with a truly satisfying brunch. I suppose that's because a) I don't go out as much anymore and b) I keep having things to do on these weekend mornings. Stupid activities. I need some lazy days.

But the happy news is... NEXT WEEK BEGINS SUMMER FRIDAYS!!! 3:30 closing every week! I have to leave at 3:30 anyway for the next two weeks for family activity weekends, blech. But then follow 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 weeks of summer!!! All I can think of is leaving work, picking up an ice coffee, and strolling. Oooh, can't wait for the apocolyptal weather to end and the strolling to begin.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

good news!!! my ipod is fixed!!! apparently everyone who said that i just needed to google "ipod" and "frozen" and would be able to figure out a fix was CORRECT! you are all some smart people. also, my phone broke yesterday and then fixed itself. it was a day of ups and downs. and i had ice cream for lunch, so it was overall a good day.

in high school, i used to lie in bed and think through the next day. i would rate all my classes good, bad or neutral and then add up the day's score. things were so much more discrete back then. i think that's the problem with adult life - it's too hit or miss. wouldn't it be great if we could say "ugh, i have my fundraising job for an hour tomorrow morning, but then i have two optas in a row!" haha, opta. optional time activity.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Things that taste good (that i have eaten today):
mud coffee (caffeineatacious!)
raisin bran
chocolate covered cherries
curried chicken salad (even better with grapes in it! no onions though, they fell on the floor.)
more chocolate covered cherries

Things that are disgusting:
balance bars. who knew? i thought it would be like a luna bar, which i quite enjoy. but not at alllllll. i got the yogurt honey peanut one. it had the texture of nougout (how is that spelled?) - mushy with a mushy coating. to be fair, i should point out that i don't like nougout. oook it is disgusting. but there weren't even any peanuts in it! i guess it's just peanut flavored? rather unfair. and i swear, there was a distinct aftertaste of fish! with the first bite, i thought i was just crazy, so i tried one more. definitely fish. goodbye balance bar, you can balance in the trash can. good thing i have more chocolate covered cherries to drown out the flavor!

that really was a stroke of luck - i got a bag of chocolate covered cherries in my thank-you present from my boss after the big event. (this was not a surprise, as i picked out and ordered the gift myself.) i hoarded them slowly throughout the month until yesterday when i was overtaken and ate six of them. they're pretty good-sized, so six might have been too many for one sitting, judging by the belly-ache. after the binge, there was one sad cherry alone in the bag. then today, my other boss came in with a whole new bag of chocolate covered cherries as a thank-you for another event! hoo-ray!! events are bad in nearly every way, but you certainly do get nice goodies. i could open a perfumerie and a chocolate covered cherry shop. scratch that, i eat the latter, it's the former that are starting to stockpile.

one sad thing to note: harry and david chocolate cherries (former stash) are far superior to chukar cherries (latter stash.) the chukar ones have kind of a malt-y flavor that isn't meshing as well with the cherries. but, what can you do, gotta get the fix!