this is an example of something that is not interesting at all. so that is why it goes onto the blog - because no one wants to hear it.
yesterday, i went to d'agastino's on my lunch hour, and spent the whole hour wandering around. d'agastino's is a very nice grocery store. much nicer than met foods. i wish the whole foods on houston would open. but i think that is a lost cause. what is the deal.
i got some peaches which are just so delicious... it is unbelievable. i did not eat nearly enough fruit this summer, and now it's over. i'll add it to the list of reasons the summer went too fast. so today i eat some oatmeal with peaches for breakfast. what a great combo. i also got some oregon chai stuff which you mix with milk and it makes a chai tea latte. it's pretty good, although it would be way better if the milk were foamy. i think my office should have a cappucino machine instead of the dinky coffeepot. people work better when they are caffeinated. for lunch i had some more irish bread and cheese, the irish bread is really too stale to eat at this point. luckily i have good teeth. actually, i have terrible teeth, cavities abound, nevermind. now i am hungry as the devil... isn't oatmeal supposed to be filling? so i'm eating some applesauce which i also bought yesterday (i keep more food in the office then i do at home!) but i am nearing the bottom of the applesauce and wondering what i can put in my mouth next... i have a pile of chocolates here but i really don't want to eat them - they are for sugar cravings and right now i want some mac and cheese or a burrito or something. is it weird to leave streams of conciousness about food on the internet? also, is it weird that all i think about is food? i'm going to suggest mac and cheese for dinner.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I was selecting some photos for our annual report at work, which made me think about MY photos and how much more fun they are than the photos from LM events. So I decided to take a little break and post some photos of my own. Work is boring.
I think that we have spent progressively less time at each Mofo party. But, we are now at two in a row without tears, which is an excellent thing. 4th of july was much less eventful than last year but a good time was had by all. And it was only $10... and the futureheads were awesomely fun. These are Cyni's pics because although I sent out an email to Shun and Rachel imploring them to share their photos on snapfish, I was soundly ignored. You bastards!!
Sean and I revived our outfits from MOFO4OFJULY05, with a few alterations. I covered my middle this year, as all the drinking and eating seems to have enlarged it a bit. Rachel and Shun showed some lovely cleavage. And Cyni, next time only underwear for you!

Cynthia, what did you say to Shun before you took this picture? I have never seen such fear in her eyes!

Thursday, June 01, 2006
Hot 97:
We have just been informed by Building Management that there will be a rally today beginning at approximately 2:00 p.m. outside of 395 Hudson Street (across Hudson Street in front of the construction site) protesting comments made by an on-air personality of the radio station. Building Management has assured us that they are taking the necessary precautions to ensure the security of our building and its occupants.
Interesting... this makes me a little nervous. Two people have now been shot in front of my building. And I have to go to a meeting at 2:15. I hope this is a peaceful rally.
We have just been informed by Building Management that there will be a rally today beginning at approximately 2:00 p.m. outside of 395 Hudson Street (across Hudson Street in front of the construction site) protesting comments made by an on-air personality of the radio station. Building Management has assured us that they are taking the necessary precautions to ensure the security of our building and its occupants.
Interesting... this makes me a little nervous. Two people have now been shot in front of my building. And I have to go to a meeting at 2:15. I hope this is a peaceful rally.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

we drank our requisite table-full of red bull vodkas:
met some priests:
danced like fiends:
and ate some fries!
all in all, a very successful mofo. and nobody cried!
see you at the 4th of july!
Friday, May 19, 2006
Gothamist reported that there could be a tornado cruising around Manhattan. This truly is the apocolypse. Well, I'll just sit here stuffing envelopes till the roof falls on my head.
Actually, that's not true, I'm going to head out into the rain/thunder/tornado/hailstorm because I am desperately in need of some CHEESE!!!! After a long night of drinking last night and no dinner, my belly woke up crying for a hangover breakfast of grease and cheese. Unfortunately I had to go to work so I briefly satiated myself with a rice cake and peanut butter on the walk over. But now in 7 minutes I am going to brave the weather to get my fix.
I feel like it's been a long time since I've had a big night out and followed it up with a truly satisfying brunch. I suppose that's because a) I don't go out as much anymore and b) I keep having things to do on these weekend mornings. Stupid activities. I need some lazy days.
But the happy news is... NEXT WEEK BEGINS SUMMER FRIDAYS!!! 3:30 closing every week! I have to leave at 3:30 anyway for the next two weeks for family activity weekends, blech. But then follow 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 weeks of summer!!! All I can think of is leaving work, picking up an ice coffee, and strolling. Oooh, can't wait for the apocolyptal weather to end and the strolling to begin.
Actually, that's not true, I'm going to head out into the rain/thunder/tornado/hailstorm because I am desperately in need of some CHEESE!!!! After a long night of drinking last night and no dinner, my belly woke up crying for a hangover breakfast of grease and cheese. Unfortunately I had to go to work so I briefly satiated myself with a rice cake and peanut butter on the walk over. But now in 7 minutes I am going to brave the weather to get my fix.
I feel like it's been a long time since I've had a big night out and followed it up with a truly satisfying brunch. I suppose that's because a) I don't go out as much anymore and b) I keep having things to do on these weekend mornings. Stupid activities. I need some lazy days.
But the happy news is... NEXT WEEK BEGINS SUMMER FRIDAYS!!! 3:30 closing every week! I have to leave at 3:30 anyway for the next two weeks for family activity weekends, blech. But then follow 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 weeks of summer!!! All I can think of is leaving work, picking up an ice coffee, and strolling. Oooh, can't wait for the apocolyptal weather to end and the strolling to begin.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
good news!!! my ipod is fixed!!! apparently everyone who said that i just needed to google "ipod" and "frozen" and would be able to figure out a fix was CORRECT! you are all some smart people. also, my phone broke yesterday and then fixed itself. it was a day of ups and downs. and i had ice cream for lunch, so it was overall a good day.
in high school, i used to lie in bed and think through the next day. i would rate all my classes good, bad or neutral and then add up the day's score. things were so much more discrete back then. i think that's the problem with adult life - it's too hit or miss. wouldn't it be great if we could say "ugh, i have my fundraising job for an hour tomorrow morning, but then i have two optas in a row!" haha, opta. optional time activity.
in high school, i used to lie in bed and think through the next day. i would rate all my classes good, bad or neutral and then add up the day's score. things were so much more discrete back then. i think that's the problem with adult life - it's too hit or miss. wouldn't it be great if we could say "ugh, i have my fundraising job for an hour tomorrow morning, but then i have two optas in a row!" haha, opta. optional time activity.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Things that taste good (that i have eaten today):
mud coffee (caffeineatacious!)
chocolate covered cherries
curried chicken salad (even better with grapes in it! no onions though, they fell on the floor.)
more chocolate covered cherries
Things that are disgusting:
balance bars. who knew? i thought it would be like a luna bar, which i quite enjoy. but not at alllllll. i got the yogurt honey peanut one. it had the texture of nougout (how is that spelled?) - mushy with a mushy coating. to be fair, i should point out that i don't like nougout. oook it is disgusting. but there weren't even any peanuts in it! i guess it's just peanut flavored? rather unfair. and i swear, there was a distinct aftertaste of fish! with the first bite, i thought i was just crazy, so i tried one more. definitely fish. goodbye balance bar, you can balance in the trash can. good thing i have more chocolate covered cherries to drown out the flavor!
that really was a stroke of luck - i got a bag of chocolate covered cherries in my thank-you present from my boss after the big event. (this was not a surprise, as i picked out and ordered the gift myself.) i hoarded them slowly throughout the month until yesterday when i was overtaken and ate six of them. they're pretty good-sized, so six might have been too many for one sitting, judging by the belly-ache. after the binge, there was one sad cherry alone in the bag. then today, my other boss came in with a whole new bag of chocolate covered cherries as a thank-you for another event! hoo-ray!! events are bad in nearly every way, but you certainly do get nice goodies. i could open a perfumerie and a chocolate covered cherry shop. scratch that, i eat the latter, it's the former that are starting to stockpile.
one sad thing to note: harry and david chocolate cherries (former stash) are far superior to chukar cherries (latter stash.) the chukar ones have kind of a malt-y flavor that isn't meshing as well with the cherries. but, what can you do, gotta get the fix!
mud coffee (caffeineatacious!)
raisin bran
strawberrieschocolate covered cherries
curried chicken salad (even better with grapes in it! no onions though, they fell on the floor.)
more chocolate covered cherries
Things that are disgusting:
balance bars. who knew? i thought it would be like a luna bar, which i quite enjoy. but not at alllllll. i got the yogurt honey peanut one. it had the texture of nougout (how is that spelled?) - mushy with a mushy coating. to be fair, i should point out that i don't like nougout. oook it is disgusting. but there weren't even any peanuts in it! i guess it's just peanut flavored? rather unfair. and i swear, there was a distinct aftertaste of fish! with the first bite, i thought i was just crazy, so i tried one more. definitely fish. goodbye balance bar, you can balance in the trash can. good thing i have more chocolate covered cherries to drown out the flavor!
that really was a stroke of luck - i got a bag of chocolate covered cherries in my thank-you present from my boss after the big event. (this was not a surprise, as i picked out and ordered the gift myself.) i hoarded them slowly throughout the month until yesterday when i was overtaken and ate six of them. they're pretty good-sized, so six might have been too many for one sitting, judging by the belly-ache. after the binge, there was one sad cherry alone in the bag. then today, my other boss came in with a whole new bag of chocolate covered cherries as a thank-you for another event! hoo-ray!! events are bad in nearly every way, but you certainly do get nice goodies. i could open a perfumerie and a chocolate covered cherry shop. scratch that, i eat the latter, it's the former that are starting to stockpile.
one sad thing to note: harry and david chocolate cherries (former stash) are far superior to chukar cherries (latter stash.) the chukar ones have kind of a malt-y flavor that isn't meshing as well with the cherries. but, what can you do, gotta get the fix!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
bad news
my ipod is broken!! i can access the music if it is plugged into the computer, but otherwise it just has a big checkmark on it and none of the buttons do anything. this is so annoying! i've only had it for 4 months and i don't even use it that often, just at the gym. ipods are garbage. now i have to deal with bringing it in to see if they can fix it. ugh. but first i should take all my stolen music and put it on my computer in case they can't fix the ipod. i wonder how i do that. who would have thunk i'd be on to oliver III so quickly? i like the name oliver jr. better. oh ollie!!!!
my ipod is broken!! i can access the music if it is plugged into the computer, but otherwise it just has a big checkmark on it and none of the buttons do anything. this is so annoying! i've only had it for 4 months and i don't even use it that often, just at the gym. ipods are garbage. now i have to deal with bringing it in to see if they can fix it. ugh. but first i should take all my stolen music and put it on my computer in case they can't fix the ipod. i wonder how i do that. who would have thunk i'd be on to oliver III so quickly? i like the name oliver jr. better. oh ollie!!!!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
expedia is stupid
i've gotten it into my head that i would like to go on a tropical beach vacation, just for a few days. i know, it's almost summer, but i think that's a fine time to go. two years ago, shun, cyni and i went to jamaica for 5 days in the middle of july, and it was awesome. fabulous. wonderful. the life. so, if i could find a good deal i would try to organize this trip. i want a cheap, all inclusive vacation where i can lie on a tropical beach for a few days with my feet in the ocean. but i want to do the looking with minimal work. i looked up beach vacations on expedia and this is the pearls of wisdom i received:
So many beaches, so little time! You know you want to go somewhere that’s sunny and sandy—but how to choose from there? One simple way to narrow down the possibilities is to think about what you want to do while you’re there (besides laying about in the sun!).
it then narrows down into choices like family fun, active beach stuff, romantic, etc. i think this is extremely stupid. the way to narrow down the possibilities is by PRICE. you should just be able to say, "hey expedia, at some point over the next two months, i would like to go to a tropical beach resort. i would like to leave from NYC. please give me choices and sort them by price."
sometimes i don't even care if it's the beach, i just want to go on a trip. surely i am not the only cheap bastard who will go anywhere if it's a good deal. there must be a site with "good deals leaving from NY." travel stuff is so tricky though, you have to trust where you're getting it from. i'm not buying plane tickets off a popup ad.
end of rant.
i've gotten it into my head that i would like to go on a tropical beach vacation, just for a few days. i know, it's almost summer, but i think that's a fine time to go. two years ago, shun, cyni and i went to jamaica for 5 days in the middle of july, and it was awesome. fabulous. wonderful. the life. so, if i could find a good deal i would try to organize this trip. i want a cheap, all inclusive vacation where i can lie on a tropical beach for a few days with my feet in the ocean. but i want to do the looking with minimal work. i looked up beach vacations on expedia and this is the pearls of wisdom i received:
So many beaches, so little time! You know you want to go somewhere that’s sunny and sandy—but how to choose from there? One simple way to narrow down the possibilities is to think about what you want to do while you’re there (besides laying about in the sun!).
it then narrows down into choices like family fun, active beach stuff, romantic, etc. i think this is extremely stupid. the way to narrow down the possibilities is by PRICE. you should just be able to say, "hey expedia, at some point over the next two months, i would like to go to a tropical beach resort. i would like to leave from NYC. please give me choices and sort them by price."
sometimes i don't even care if it's the beach, i just want to go on a trip. surely i am not the only cheap bastard who will go anywhere if it's a good deal. there must be a site with "good deals leaving from NY." travel stuff is so tricky though, you have to trust where you're getting it from. i'm not buying plane tickets off a popup ad.
end of rant.
today i made curry chicken salad, which was very good. actually i made it on sunday to eat yesterday, but yesterday was too rainy for a picnic. today is a lovely day. here is the recipe:
1 3/4 cups chicken broth
1 1/2 lb skinless boneless chicken breast
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/3 cup plain yogurt
5 teaspoons curry powder
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
1 teaspoon honey
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 medium red onion, chopped (1 cup)
1 firm-ripe mango (3/4 lb), peeled, pitted, and chopped
1 cup red seedless grapes (5 oz), halved
1/2 cup salted roasted cashews, coarsely chopped
Bring 4 cups water to a simmer with chicken broth in a 2- to 3-quart saucepan. Add chicken and simmer, uncovered, 6 minutes. Remove pan from heat and cover, then let stand until chicken is cooked through, about 15 minutes. Transfer chicken to a plate and cool 10 minutes. Chop into 1/2-inch pieces.
While chicken is cooling, whisk together mayonnaise, yogurt, curry, lime juice, honey, ginger, salt, and pepper in a large bowl. Add chicken, onion, mango, grapes, and cashews and stir gently to combine.Makes 6 servings. (Gourmet June 2002)
except i made some changes (like the crazy epicurious commenters who make a million changes and then rate the recipe, it's so funny.) i didn't want to buy the mango and grapes because i'm a cheapo so i used an apple. and i used almonds instead of cashews because i had them. and, funnily enough, i just noticed that although i halved the recipe, i forgot to halve the amount of curry powder. but it wasn't that curryful, i think perhaps the powder had lost its oomph. it was over two years old, i think that is overly aged.
the chicken salad was nicely accompanied by some greens and some espresso brownies from starbucks. everyone's roommate should work at starbucks.
1 3/4 cups chicken broth
1 1/2 lb skinless boneless chicken breast
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/3 cup plain yogurt
5 teaspoons curry powder
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
1 teaspoon honey
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 medium red onion, chopped (1 cup)
1 firm-ripe mango (3/4 lb), peeled, pitted, and chopped
1 cup red seedless grapes (5 oz), halved
1/2 cup salted roasted cashews, coarsely chopped
Bring 4 cups water to a simmer with chicken broth in a 2- to 3-quart saucepan. Add chicken and simmer, uncovered, 6 minutes. Remove pan from heat and cover, then let stand until chicken is cooked through, about 15 minutes. Transfer chicken to a plate and cool 10 minutes. Chop into 1/2-inch pieces.
While chicken is cooling, whisk together mayonnaise, yogurt, curry, lime juice, honey, ginger, salt, and pepper in a large bowl. Add chicken, onion, mango, grapes, and cashews and stir gently to combine.Makes 6 servings. (Gourmet June 2002)
except i made some changes (like the crazy epicurious commenters who make a million changes and then rate the recipe, it's so funny.) i didn't want to buy the mango and grapes because i'm a cheapo so i used an apple. and i used almonds instead of cashews because i had them. and, funnily enough, i just noticed that although i halved the recipe, i forgot to halve the amount of curry powder. but it wasn't that curryful, i think perhaps the powder had lost its oomph. it was over two years old, i think that is overly aged.
the chicken salad was nicely accompanied by some greens and some espresso brownies from starbucks. everyone's roommate should work at starbucks.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
okay obviously i suck at blogging. it takes a long time to put up pictures, when you put up so many. perhaps i would do better if i just put up an occasional picture. and then in between i could write about extremely uninteresting things. i am getting oil from my sandwich on my keyboard.
right now i would just like to say that the people at dunkin donuts are idiots. why can they not remember to TOAST my TOASTED italian sub? it's not even like subway where any sub comes toasted or untoasted. dunkin donuts is so dumb that they have "toasted subs" - italian, ham and cheese, some others that sound too creepy to get. then they have regular subs - turkey and cheese, tuna, etc. i once asked if i could get turkey and cheese but toasted and the woman just stared at me and then i got an untoasted one. so obviously the paths do not cross. i don't even like italian subs but i got it because i am sick of ham and cheese and dunkin donuts sandwiches taste crappy if they are not toasted. and now here i am eating a crappy italian sub with all kinds of weird meats and it is yuck-o. and nearly $5, jeez louise. okay, this is the end of my insane rant. i'm going to eat my sandwich now. goodbye!
right now i would just like to say that the people at dunkin donuts are idiots. why can they not remember to TOAST my TOASTED italian sub? it's not even like subway where any sub comes toasted or untoasted. dunkin donuts is so dumb that they have "toasted subs" - italian, ham and cheese, some others that sound too creepy to get. then they have regular subs - turkey and cheese, tuna, etc. i once asked if i could get turkey and cheese but toasted and the woman just stared at me and then i got an untoasted one. so obviously the paths do not cross. i don't even like italian subs but i got it because i am sick of ham and cheese and dunkin donuts sandwiches taste crappy if they are not toasted. and now here i am eating a crappy italian sub with all kinds of weird meats and it is yuck-o. and nearly $5, jeez louise. okay, this is the end of my insane rant. i'm going to eat my sandwich now. goodbye!
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